1.In-game multiplier adjustment
      A. Level experience is increased by 500%
      B. Job experience is increased by 500%
      C. Field drop rate is increased by 500%
      D. Boss drop rate is increased by 500%

2. Providing in-game perks
      A. Super account function
         i.Automatic looting function
         ii.Free warp function

3. Metal weapon added to the basic weapons provided to additional characters
      A. When you create a character, you will receive a Guardian of time Box, which allowto obtain all types of metal weapons

4.Addition of various user chat commands
      A. The added commands are as follows

      @help, @rates, @uptime, @showdelay, @exp, @mobinfo, @iteminfo, @whodrops,@time, @jailtime, @hominfo, @homstats,
      @showexp, @showzeny, @whereis, @rdfresh,@noask, @noks, @autoloot, @alootid, @autoloottype, @autotrade, @request,
      @go,@breakguild, @channel

For detailed instructions on each command, please refer to the update notice in Distcord